quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011

Eye beach water

Surrounded by dunes, hills and cliffs, with creeping vegetation. The beach has strong waves from July to December, making it ideal for surfing and sailing sport. This beach has great flow of visitors, but with little infrastructure for leisure. The beauty of this beach draws attention. Note that in general all city beaches are due to large tidal range, large stretches of sand that make them ideal for practicing ball sports, among many others.
"... The eye of the beach water - about six miles distant from the urban center, surrounded by dunes, hills and cliffs - land or tall and steep rocks, the sea, under sea erosion - and much sought by fishermen, say those who know that this is one of the top ten beauties of the "island of love." One Indian legend says that the daughter of Itaporama, chief of the most important Indian tribe that lived there, fell in love with an Indian village, a tall, strong and beautiful features so that the Mother of water also fell in love with him , upon seeing him. And so one fine day the goddess of the sea took advantage of his magical powers and managed to persuade the young to go to meet him, leading him, then to the bottom waters. Upon learning of what happened to poor Indian was desperate, and distraught at the loss of loved to wander hopelessly passed by a deserted beach, calling to him, in the vain hope that young man left the sea and return to his arms. And so it remained for several days without food, exhausted with pain and with eyes blinded with tears, until death, compassionate love of his immense distress, came to console her, burying her in the huge sandhills.

It was then that Tupa, compassionate virgin in love, has triggered two of sand springs pure and crystalline that even today does not stop flowing ceaselessly towards the sea. The Indians went on to say that that source was fed by the tears of India who died of love, legend remains alive until the present day. "



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